I use my camera as a tool of research. Exploring subjects about society that interest me, illustrating the complexities and contradictions of the human experience.  I question what identity means and how it is built through the years, which oftentimes lead to a journey of self discovery as well. In this regard the process I embark on in each project is as important as the final result as it is an action of self awareness and developing connections with the people I work with, understanding the particularities of each individual and also the rituals that are an essential part of every community. I also incorporate video to my work doing a hybrid documentation that can be presented through different media.


After graduating in Communications at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City I began working at an events company as a full time photographer. Being interested in the documentary genre for a few years now I began making my own personal projects. Thanks to this I earned a Fulbright scholarship to study an Art MFA at The University of Arizona.



Tucson, AZ